The current price of Fantom is $0.36, but that price can go up or down at any moment. Over the past 24 hours Fantom is down about -0.08%. Now if you look at the change in price of Fantom over a 30-day period, you’ll see it’s down about -6.05%. You should become familiar with a currencies volatility before you make an investment as prices can change rapidly. One of the best ways to combat that volatility is to hold your crypto as a long-term investment.
If you want to learn more about Fantom, here’s a few resources to get you started.
- You can start learning about Fantom on their website.
- If you’re looking for information about how Fantom ‘works under the hood’, you may be interested in going through the technical docs.
- There is also a fairly active Fantom community on Reddit that you can join to talk with other crypto investors.
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If you’d like to speak with a crypto expert about investing in Fantom or any other cryptocurrencies, our team is here to help. Give us a call at (833) 636-2008 to ask questions about buying and selling crypto, how a crypto IRA works, how to save for retirement with cryptocurrency, and much more.