The current price of dYdX is $1.27, but that price can go up or down at any moment. Over the past 24 hours dYdX is down about -0.16%. When you look at the price of dYdX over the past month, it has gone down right around -31.08%. One important thing to understand before buying dYdX is how volatile it has been over the past year or so. We’ve found that the safest way to invest in cryptocurrency is as a long-term investment.
If you want to learn more about dYdX, here’s a few resources to get you started.
- You can start learning about dYdX on their website.
- If you are a crypto developer that is thinking about using dYdX, you may be interested in reading the technical docs.
- dYdX investors also share information and ideas on Reddit, so you may want to spend some time there.
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If you’d like to speak with a crypto expert about investing in dYdX or any other cryptocurrencies, our team is here to help. Give us a call at (833) 636-2008 to ask questions about buying and selling crypto, how a crypto IRA works, how to save for retirement with cryptocurrency, and much more.