The current price of AI-X is $0.00013200 , but that price can go up or down at any moment. AI-X has gone up roughly 7.02% over the last 24 hours. However, over the last 30 days AI-X is down about -38.94%. Since cryptocurrencies can go up or down at any time, the safest way to look at buying crypto is as a long-term investment. If you look at the price of the top cryptocurrencies over time, you’ll notice they are all way up in the grand scheme of things, despite the sporadic ups and downs. This makes a great argument for making a long-term investment in crypto.
If you want to learn more about AI-X, here’s a few resources to get you started.
- You can start learning about AI-X on their website.
- My Digital Money is a crypto IRA company that makes it easy to buy cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Litecoin in a tax-advantaged cryptocurrency IRA.
- My Digital Money is a secure way to trade crypto in an IRA or in cash. You can even create a play money account if you’re new to crypto investing and just looking to get your feet wet. Our team will help you quickly setup and fund your account so that you can start trading crypto.
Want to know more about buying and selling crypto like AI-X? Give us a call at (833) 636-2008 today to learn more about buying and selling crypto, how a crypto IRA works, how to save for retirement with cryptocurrency, and much more.